Friday, October 29, 2010

Useful Google Tools

My girlfriend and I were in the beach when she kept on distracting me. According to her, she needs to open her e-mail while I was intently surfing on the Google dictionary and looking for some important words and information for my freelance job. I asked her to give me a little time, at least about 10 to 15 minutes until I finally saw what I was exactly looking for. To make it more easy, I searched on the google tips on the other browser, but sadly, my laptop hanged up and immediately lost my Internet connection, and from there, leaving my girlfriend dismayed.

We were totally under the dark for more than six hours because of the rumored electricity failure that almost everyone around were talking about. I lighted up the scented candle and started taking our dinner. Three pieces of salted eggs plus small slices of tomatoes, combined with a pitcher of iced tea was our dinner.

I thank my LG U890 for saving us from the hassle that we had. Aside from being a state-of-the-art phone, its special features enabled my girlfriend and I to stay connected, which was actually a necessity for our jobs.

After we enjoyed soaking ourselves in the beach, we head back to our cottage and agreed to listen to some lovely classical songs that lulled as to sleep instantly. My phone was really of great help to our trip and night lives.

From being wifi capable, having a readily available internet connection, that too, brought us a satisfaction on the quality of sound that it brought out. The clear quality of the camera made us enjoy even more, though I had with me my brand new SLR Nikon Camera, that captures a lot better than my 5 mega pixel camera phone.

After having the internet connection back, I gave way to my girlfriend who was borrowing my laptop so she can check her email before problem to the connection will again arise.

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